자성유체씰제조.판매.리가꾸메카트로닉스 (주)

 Rigaku Mechatronics Co., Ltd. / 일본본사

Company name Rigaku Mechatronics Co., Ltd.
Representative President Takahiro Wada
Location 3-9-12, Matsubara-cho, Akishima-shi, Tokyo 196-8666, Japan
Phone +81-42-545-8117
Fax +81-42-544-9605
Established February 3, 1989
Capital 30 million yen
Employees 40
Description of business Manufacture and sales of magnetic seal units (vacuum rotary feedthroughs with magnetic fluid)
Quality policy
  1. We place top priority on sincerity and providing customer satisfaction.
  2. We are constantly improving our technology and management techniques, to offer products of the highest quality in response to customer demands.
  3. We leverage our imagination and creativity to improve the quality, cost, and delivery dates of our products.


From Tokyo Station (about 1.5 hours)
1.From JR Tokyo Station, take the JR Chuo Line -> JR Tachikawa Station – Transfer to JR Ome Line -> Get off at JR Haijima Station. 8-minute walk
2.At JR Tokyo Station, take JR Chuo Line Ome Tokubetsu Kaisoku (Rapid service bound for Ome) -> Get off at JR Haijima Station. 8-minute

한국 / 영업 & 지원

회사 JK & Technical Analysis Corporation
대표자 JK, Bhang
주소 18469
14, Dongtancheomdan-saneop-1ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Ref of Korea
전화 +82-70-4420-8818
팩스 +82-31-612-7160
이메일 jkbhang@jktac.co.kr
홈페이지 www.jkxtac.com


경기도 화성시 동탄첨단산업1로14, 512호(동탄밸리)

세곡동-용인수원 자동차전용도로의 화성방향끝-동탄제2신도시좌회전-한미약품연구센터 교차로U턴후-우회전2회후20m
